
Contact Us: 574-385-9996

About Us

Our CEO – Graham Pearson

IT that works for you

Started in 2019, Ma3SP is a complete technology solution provider that has an emphasis on Cybersecurity. We are 100% committed to making sure business owners have the most reliable and professional IT service around. With 25 years in the educational industry, we’ve witnessed countless young minds blossom, nurtured environments of learning and growth, and helped shape the future through quality education. But our journey doesn’t end within the walls of a classroom. We believe the same principles that foster success in education can be applied to empower small and medium businesses (SMBs) to thrive.

That’s why we’ve leveraged our extensive experience working with local public and private schools to create a unique approach to supporting your business. We understand the challenges faced by SMBs: limited resources, tight budgets, and the constant need to adapt and innovate. We bridge the gap between the world of education and the business landscape, providing you with the tools and strategies to learn, grow, and achieve your goals.

Beyond Training: Our Holistic Approach

While training is a core component of our services, we offer a more holistic approach to empower your business. We understand that every SMB has unique needs and goals. Here’s how we go beyond training to provide comprehensive support:

  • Needs Assessment: We conduct an in-depth analysis of your business to identify your specific technology needs and areas of personal development areas within your staff.
  • Mentorship and Coaching: We provide one-on-one coaching and mentorship to equip your leaders with the skills to manage, motivate, and inspire their teams.
  • Technology Integration: We help you identify and integrate the right technology solutions to streamline processes, improve communication, and enhance efficiency.
  • Strategic Planning: We assist you in developing a strategic roadmap to achieve your business goals, aligning your training initiatives with your overall strategy.

Our Commitment to Your Success:

We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients. Our success is measured by your success. We strive to:

  • Deliver Real-World Results: We focus on the practical application of knowledge and skills, ensuring your training programs and your technology have a tangible impact on your business success.
  • Flexibility and Customization: We understand that one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work. We tailor our services to meet your unique needs and budget.
  • Ongoing Support: We are a dedicated partner, available to answer your questions and provide ongoing support long after your initial training program is complete.

Our Experience with Local Schools Makes a Difference

Our deep understanding of the local educational landscape allows us to:

  • Recruit Top Talent: We have established relationships with local schools, enabling us to connect you with top-notch talent who possess the skills and knowledge relevant to your industry.
  • Understand Your Local Market: We have a keen understanding of the specific challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in your area.
  • Align Training with Local Workforce Needs: We tailor programs to address the skills gap in your local market, ensuring your employees are equipped with the skills demanded by your industry.
  • No Geek-Speak. You deserve to get answers to your questions in PLAIN ENGLISH, not in confusing technical terms. Our technicians will also not talk down to you or make you feel stupid because you don’t understand how all this “technology” works. That’s our job!
  • Peace Of Mind. Because we monitor all of our clients’ networks 24/7/365, you never have to worry that a virus has spread, a hacker has broken in or a backup has failed to perform. We watch over your entire network, taking the management and hassle of maintaining it off your hands. This frees you to focus on your customers and running your business, not on your IT systems, security and backups.

Ready to Unlock Your Business Potential?

Don’t settle for the status quo. Invest in your business and empower your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Here’s how we can help you get started:

  • Free Consultation: Schedule a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and challenges. We’ll work with you to understand your goals and develop a customized plan to achieve them.
  • Network Assessment: Let us conduct a comprehensive network assessment to identify any technology gaps within your organization.

Invest in Your Future, Invest in Your People

In today’s competitive business landscape, continuous learning and development are essential for success. By partnering with us, you gain access to a wealth of educational expertise – expertise over 25 years of working within the local school system. We’ll help you build a strong foundation for your business, one that fosters growth, innovation, and long-term success.

Contact us today and let’s embark on your journey to business excellence!

Ma3SP Managed Services for Small Businesses


Our mission is to provide services and solutions that will enable your business to be more effective, efficient and profitable. We take pride in delivering services that exceed your expectations, are responsive, and are built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect.